Web X.0 in education

In the future, we hope that Web X.0 can be used more widespread in classrooms and improve digital equity.  Since the cost of computers or any digital appliances have begun to reduce in price comparing to several years ago, we expect that the cost will continue to be reduced or perhaps, till a stage where all, if not most people will be able to own one computer.  Thus, the chances are schools will be able to provide hardware i.e. computer for every student, which makes these devices personal and customizable.

Communication – The power of communication tools can be harnessed for learning when students can reach outside the walls of classrooms into the global community.

Now, we already see students use wikis and GoogleDocs to collaborate while creating and editing written documents and other media.  We see teachers who use social networks to find colleagues and form personal learning networks.  The use of these tools will continue to grow, both so students can learn virtually and so teachers can create online textbooks and share other teaching materials online as learning tools for virtual schools.

Since there are advances in chip design, this means faster, smaller and cheaper processors are within reach.  This in turn mean faster, lighter and cheaper computer devices.  For example, iPad and even cell phones and other handheld devices are becoming a popular appliance for teaching and learning.

In addition, Joan Ganz Cooney Center reported that

‘Advances in mobile technologies are showing enormous untapped potential for today’s generation’ .  It highlights mobility as an opportunity to improve education by encouraging anytime, anywhere learning, reaching children who live in remote places and underprivileged children, promoting collaboration and communication, and achieving personalized learning.

Nowadays, mobile phones are used for education in ‘developing countries that don’t have an extensive communications infrastructure but increasingly have access to cellular networks’ ( Shule, 2009, p.7).  The result of having mobile web-accessible devices available is anywhere, anytime learning.

Students are able to find and learn what they need to know, when they need to learn it, and in a manner that suits them based on their learning styles or the way they like to approach learning – more personalized learning.  As we have discussed previously, some students learn visually; they may think in images and learn best from visual displays, including videos, photographs, slide shows and even online presentations.  Auditory learners prefer listening and learn best from lectures and discussions.  Tactile/Kinesthetic learners prefer touching objects, moving, performing, following directions using a hands-on approach exploring the physical world

Thus, according to some researchers, they forecast that it may be possible for students to select the method by which they learn best and have the lesson appear online.  An assessment component can provide feedback to the teacher on how well they have learned the information or skill, what tasks to do next, and what approach is more likely to work.

Think about your role as a teacher/ educator in the near future.  What would it be like?

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4 Responses to Web X.0 in education

  1. Adrian Lim says:

    In the near future, Most student will be using internet capable devices to receive information on the go. We as teachers are able to use web 2.0 applications and beyond to increase teaching and learning interactions with students. Teachers can always upload learning materials to the internet and can be easily access by students on demand whenever they are free and where ever they will be.

    I would like to high light one of the main trend of future web.
    One of it is ability to personalize they way we receive information. At present there are not alot of web 2.0+ site that allow this and One popular example of such site is http://www.igoogle.com. Igoogle allow user to personalize

    iGoogle lets you create a personalized homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets below. Gadgets come in lots of different forms and provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page. Here are some things you can do with gadgets:

    * View your latest Gmail messages
    * Read headlines from Google News and other top news sources
    * Check out weather forecasts, stock quotes, and movie showtimes
    * Store bookmarks for quick access to your favorite sites from any computer
    * Design your own gadget.

    • vte2011 says:

      I read this from another educational blog that Web 1.0 ( Static web ) is very suitable for instructions or content. Web 2.0 ( collaborative technologies ) are highly suitable for constructivist pedagogy. Web 3.0 is very much towards personalised learning. Seems like each of us might have a personal assistant : iGoogle 🙂

  2. Clement Wong says:

    My opinion is that Web 2.0 is changing rapidly, with hundreds of free webtools for everyone to use. But the most popular ones seem to emphasize more on ‘customization’. People are individuals, each with their own personality and style. So by offering customization like igoogle, people are more attracted to those tools, altering the style and how info is delivered to them by relevancy.

  3. muhammad Arifin bin Abdullah Haji says:


    The future X.0 tools would be more effective for teachers and students in term of time this is because of the time spent in searching the information would be reduce due to the capture habit of teachers’ and students’ interest.
    Teachers and students would not require spending more time in looking the right information because the computer is doing it for them. The teachers and students would only narrow the finding.

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